this volume of "songs" is from one evening of hanging out, drinking and roughhousing at the place where i lived with gallery thirteen member tony roberts. songs before they were "songs" were presented to the other members of the band by me in this casual bohemian environment. in this way i was able to see which song ideas, melodies, lyrics etc provoked the correct kind of reaction with the gang. most of these never became fully fleshed out songs. some of the ideas still seem valid to me some 14 years later. i am pretty sure it was just me on the guitar and lead vocals and those present chimed in at times. there are a few covers that rear their partial heads. keep your ears peeled for beefheart, nick cave, and marty robbins. those present seem to be derek joe brockett, tony roberts, chris paco johnson, stainar stavings (lyrics on track 5), and tony's girlfriend at the time whose name can't quite come through clear to me at the time of writing.
track 14 is what you might call the bonus track. in 1997 when gallery thirteen recorded up above the world, 'neath the everlasting stain we recorded over used 2 inch tape. the tape had been recorded on before us by some such Skip Wiggins. after the instrumental tracks were recorded for "these naked ladies" we decided to give it a quick listen. upon doing so we noticed that we had recorded over pretty much everything but Skip's vocals. notice how uncannily well his vocal melody and phrasing go along with our music. a perfect accident.
- bury her where the sun don't shine
- O woe man
- at the end of the world you can't find any friends
- in salt's disguise
- rifle steve
- a holy bible
- bruce lee
- loser=gallery XIII
- por mas que sufra
- por mas que sufra ii
- stainar's worry
- orchid blue
- amazing grace
- these naked ladies (skip wiggins version)
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